Adaptive Marketing Membership: Member Dashboard
Here's a quick look at "all the things" inside Adaptive Marketing Membership. Please bookmark this page for future reference.
Zoom Link for Office Hours & Strategy Sessions
This is the Zoom Link for the Office Hours & Strategy Session Calls The link and the passcode for these calls are always the same each week
Click here to go to the Announcement with our most up to date Zoom Link. From time to time we change the password to the Zoom Room and that will be updated here.
Adaptive Marketing Membership Google Calendar
This is the Adaptive Marketing Membership Google Calendar of upcoming calls and events. The calendar is updated regularly.
To see the public view of this calendar, click here!
You can also add this calendar to your Google calendar by clicking this link.
You can also see a visual of the monthly calendar in the Announcements section of the Adaptive Marketing Membership Facebook Group.
Adaptive Marketing Membership: Weekly Review Form
We're happy to announce that we offer weekly reviews of Ads, Opt in pages, Sales Pages, or Email Copy to our active Adaptive Marketing members.
We know that this feedback will help you improve your messaging, so you can fix your funnels and get better conversions.
Weekly reviews are done by our team on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please have your ad, opt in page, sales page, or email copy ready for review by Monday at 6pm EDT by filling out this form.
Any review requests received after Mondays at 6pm EDT will be scheduled for next week and completed with next weeks reviews.
Our team will review either one ad, opt in page, sales page, or email copy per member each week. Please only submit one item for review per week (And remember you can submit more of your marketing pieces for review in future weeks!)
Adaptive Marketing members get 1 professional review per week. Unused reviews will not be rolled over into the next week (No submission for the week-No review) Get your calendars out to schedule a time each week to submit for your reviews..we don't want any frown faces!
Once submitted, please allow up to Friday afternoon EDT that same week to receive your review. We will notify you how to access it, so you take your feedback and put it into action!
Looking forward to helping you take your marketing to the next level!
How to Submit a Weekly Review & Where to Access Your Reviews
Login to your Membership Platform
Click on Adaptive Membership Content
Click on Weekly Reviews
You'll see the Weekly Review Submission Form in the menu. You'll also see a tab on How to Watch the Review Videos, which shows you how to use the video player.
Below these are menus of each month's submissions. They are organized by each week of the month.
Adaptive Marketing Membership: Monthly Ad Submission Form
We're excited to offer all of our active Adaptive Marketing Members the opportunity of having one ad professionally written for them each calendar month!
Here are the details on how to get your monthly ad. There's a couple important details to know so you get an awesome ad.
Please fill out this form each month to get your ad delivered to you. Cut off date and time for each month is 11:59pm EST of that calendar month.
Fill out this form completely, remember the more details you can give our copywriters, the more detailed they can write your ad.
Only 1 ad submission per month please and once your form is submitted the process will begin, so please make sure you have filled everything out correctly. (Don't hit that submit button too soon..double check your work!)
Adaptive Marketing members get 1 professionally written ad per calendar month. Unused ads will not be rolled over into the next month. (No submission for the month-No ad) Get your calendars out to schedule a time each month to submit for your ads..we don't want any frown faces!
Once submitted, please allow up to 5-7 business days to receive your professionally written ad. We will notify you how to access it, so you can put it into action!
How to Submit a Monthly Ad & Where to Access Your Ad Copy
Login to your Membership Platform
Click on Adaptive Membership Content
Click on Monthly Ad Submissions
You'll see the Monthly Ad Submission Form in the menu.
Below this are menus of each month's submissions. They are organized by members last names.